Estudios de caso de CAD de IronCAD

Desde 1998, IronCAD ha ayudado a cientos de compañías a concretar sus necesidades de diseño y productividad al proporcionar la solución CAD más intuitiva, flexible e intuitiva del mercado. Explore algunos de nuestros éxitos de clientes con estos estudios de caso de CAD vinculados a nuestras principales áreas de enfoque e innovación.

Machinery Design


Hexagon Metrology needed a new 3D design solution that offered performance, flexibility, and collaboration, and that could work with large volumes of 2D legacy data. IronCAD delivered a 75% increase in productivity.

Modular Design


Schnaithmann wanted to create a modular catalog of automation and material handling equipment parts so that its salespeople could design with customers. IronCAD shortened the sales cycle dramatically.

Part Design


Multiple Discipline Technology Group had one week to create sample designs for a particle accelerator part. IronCAD allowed MDTG to import and directly modify client geometry to expedite design and win the bid.

Sheet Metal Design


Darko designs and manufactures sheet metal fixtures for retail and needed a tool that would expedite sheet metal design and improve collaboration with customers. With IronCAD, productivity doubled.

Tooling Design


Like most toolkmakers, GRW Produkter AB has to be able to accommodate frequent customer design changes. IronCAD’s flexibility not only enabled them to keep pace with customers, it increased productivity 50%.

Custom Solutions


With a global manufacturing workforce that communicates in a dozen languages, Alaris Medical needed a training system that uses graphics. They chose IronCAD as the primary tool to create their new platform.